Remodeling your bathroom as easy as 1, 2, 3...
Bathroom remodels include many different facets ranging from tearing out a tub and replacing it with a walk-in shower, adding custom tile, or upgrading to safety devices so you can comfortably age in place. Team Jo Services is able to do it all when it comes to your bathroom remodel. It all starts with a free estimate!
Step 1
We come to your location to meet you to review the project site and discuss options, products and provide more details about Onyx if requested.
Step 2
After the onsite visit, you can expect an estimate for anticipated labor and material costs. A separate estimate will be provided for any Onyx products selected.
Step 3
When you decide to work with us we provide a formal estimate and down payment requirements. To schedule your project, a 50% down payment of labor and material is required. Onyx products are required to be prepaid in full.
How long does a project usually take?
Bathroom remodels can take as little as 3 days, but up to 10 days to complete depending on the scale of the project.
When is the soonest I can schedule my remodel?
Team Jo Services is currently scheduling 5-6 months out.

Making a vision your reality
We brought our client's vision to life with her beautifully chosen tiles, Singer sewing machine base with vessel sink and faucet. To top it off and complete the look, a hand-made barn door for the closet.
Making small spaces appear larger
Making small spaces appear larger can be difficult. Using clean lines, like shiplap paneling and long tiles can trick the eye to thinking you have more space than you actually do.